Tux on VM

Last updated on:
Sunday, July 06, 2008







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Linux for Big Iron

SuSE 7.0 Install Under VIF


by Keith Reynolds of Ascensionhealth.org


Procedure to install from cd/rom

hyp vol add image device volid

image create image

par create image device size

hyp net add image ip nnn.nnn.nnn.0

image start image

TELNET to Hypervisor

Logon to Linux image

Press enter

Configure network

Press Cntl-Brk

TELNET to Linux image

Insmod dasd dasd=device1,device2,devrng1-devrng2


<do the YaST stuff> (sorry I don't have any detail here)

mount /dev/dasda1 /mnt

chroot /mnt

update /boot/parmfile with valid dasd=device1, ...


'System Administration'

'Kernel and boot configuration'

'Select boot kernel'

<ftp process>

silo -d /dev/dasda -t2


TELNET to Linux0

vifsh image set image boot nnnn

vifsh image stop image

vifsh image start image (be patient)



Procdure to install from PAR COPY

vifsh hyp vol add image device volid

vifsh image create image

vifsh hyp net add image ip nnn.nnn.nnn.0

vifsh par copy image1 device1 to image2 device2 {vlnxb4 10ff to ...}

vifsh image start image

TELNET to Hypervisor

Press enter

Configure network

Select iucv option 6

Full host name: name.com.or.net

Ip address: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

Peer ip address: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

DNS ip address: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

DNS search domain: subname.com.or.net

MTU size: 1492

Correct: Verify and reply appropriately

After replying Y you will be asked for a temporary password

Press Cntl-Brk if using putty, just logout

TELNET to the image

insmod dasd dasd=device1,device2,devrng1-devrng2

mount /dev/dasda1 /mnt

chroot /mnt

update /boot/parmfile with valid dasd=parms

update /etc/rc.config, change all occurances of the copied ip address to the new address

silo -d /dev/dasda -t2


Go into YaST and update the root users password

TELNET to Linux0

vifsh image set image boot nnnn

vifsh image stop image

vifsh image start image (be patient)




To stop apache on SuSE: killproc -G -TERM /usr/sbin/httpd

To start apache on SuSE: startproc -t 2 /usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf {-D PERL -D PHP -D S}

The apache configuration file is /etc/httpd/httpd.conf



XTERM Stuff:

Start a terminal emulation session

Logon to a "Unix/Linux" system

Issue "xhost name.net"

Start a second terminal emulation session or use the existing one

Telnet to vlnxbn

Issue "export DISPLAY=name.ah-isd.net


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